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From the studio of Lies Caeyers


Als ich can


2019 - 2022

Als ich can was research project in collaboration with Sophie Kuijken. Aside from the transmission of traditional painting techniques, this study also focused, in the spirit of the old masters, on an exploration of the durability of contemporary materials in building up the layers of an oil painting. Using modern SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) technology, with the assistance of the University of Ghent, microscopic imagery were obtained of the seeds of the plants that feature in The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, on which layers of oil paint could be carefully built up.

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Aquilegia Vulgaris (Common columbine), oil on wood 47 x 47 cm


Bellis Perennis (Common daisy), oil on wood, 50 x 33 cm

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Gentiana Lutea (Yellow gentian), oil on wood, 70 x 36 cm 


Plantago Lanceolata (Ribwort plantain), oil on wood, 52,5 x 35,5 cm 

Lies Caeyers - Origanum Syriacum (Syrische Oregano)

Origanum Syriacum (Syrian oregano), oil on wood 40 x 50 cm 


Silene Coronaria (Rose campion), oil on wood, 42 x 60 cm


Saxifraga Granulata (Meadow saxifrage), oil on wood, 50 x 35,5 cm


Paeonia Mascula (Male peony), oil on wood,  42 x 60 cm


Achila Millefolium (Common yarrow), oil on wood, 70 x 29 cm



In the production of The Children of Minkowski, a mathematical formula generates algorithmic derivatives of a 3D scan of the human body, resulting in an infinite series of strange forms.

Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
Lies Caeyers - The Children of Minkowski
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